Outdoor Sharing
Share the outdoors with our club of about 700 members and make new friends with folks who love outdoor activities.
Learn new outdoor skills or improve old ones. Discover "new to you" trails and rediscover old favorites. Participate in our climb school for beginner climbers or in our classes for backpacking, snowshoeing for beginners, route finding, wilderness first aid and CPR/AED.
Enjoy a chance to "give back" to the great outdoors by volunteering! There are opportunities to serve on the Executive Council, lead hikes and climbs, maintain/build trails, participate in our Litter Patrol, be part of the Technology Committee, and be involved in Community Outreach just to name a few.
Members receive email notices announcing event changes or additions.
Take advantage of discounts at selected stores, including Salem Summit and invitations to the Columbia Sportswear Employees Store in Portland where members can shop for outdoor clothes/shoes/gear at substantially discounted prices multiple times during the year. Members also receive discounted pricing for the Annual Outing and the Climb School.
Social Events
Attend the Annual Banquet and take advantage of other opportunities to socialize with other Chemeketans.
The most important benefit of being a Chemeketan is the opportunity to have fun in the outdoors with old and new friends!